A Bronx Tale

-Nice gun.
-It's too big.

-How about this?
-You'd spot it a mile away.

Or maybe this.

-What the -
-Don't point the gun.

It's on safety. Think I'd kill you?
Don't ever do that.
Let me see the fucking gun.

This is you, man. It's class.
I don't know.
What's this? Let me see this.
Let me see this.
This one is stylish.
-Feel it.

-I wanna shoot somebody.
-That's the gun.

So do I, and that's the gun to do it.
What are you guys doing?
What's going on?
What? Are you -
Are you fucking stupid?
What are you doing
selling guns around here?

Are you fucking stupid?
You'll get us all fucking pinched.
Get out of here!
Don't move, all of you.
-Stay there.

No fucking guns, you hear?
Get the fuck outta here!

C! Get over here, you.
I wanna talk. Get over here.
Sonny. Sonny. Some -
Come on! Come on!
Think you're a tough guy?
Is that what it is?

No, but after what happened -
What? You think a gun
makes you a tough guy?

I'll tell you,
more guys with guns wet the bed.

It's when the other guy has a gun too,
we see who the tough guy is.

-You don't understand.
-Yes, I do.

Those kids will get you in trouble.
-They're my friends.
-They're jerk offs.

Look at me.
Jerk offs.
Slick's the biggest jerk off.
What have I told you?
Yeah, I know.
-Stay in school.
-That's right.
