A Bronx Tale

C! Get over here, you.
I wanna talk. Get over here.
Sonny. Sonny. Some -
Come on! Come on!
Think you're a tough guy?
Is that what it is?

No, but after what happened -
What? You think a gun
makes you a tough guy?

I'll tell you,
more guys with guns wet the bed.

It's when the other guy has a gun too,
we see who the tough guy is.

-You don't understand.
-Yes, I do.

Those kids will get you in trouble.
-They're my friends.
-They're jerk offs.

Look at me.
Jerk offs.
Slick's the biggest jerk off.
What have I told you?
Yeah, I know.
-Stay in school.
-That's right.

Don't do what I do.
This is my life not yours.

I do what I have to do.
This is not for you.

Alright, I'm sorry.
Wanna go to the
fight with me tomorrow? Huh?

Oh, I don't know.
I've got a good middle-weight.
Come with me, we sit in front.

I'd like to,
but I'm going with my father.

Well, come by and say hello.
-You know where I sit.

-Yeah, good.

Sit here.
Nice seats, Dad.
I might get a nosebleed.

Hey! What do you want from me?
Come on, Pop. I'm only kidding.
