Bai fa mo nu zhuan

You, an elder brother,
are naughty yourself

You frolicked while learning
Do you admit guilty?
And in Feb you came personally down...
to kill Kaifeng constable
Fang Tien-cheng

Do you plead guilty or not?
Uncle Pai Yun, I stabbed him once only
Why call it "Kill"?
What manner is that?
What's the penalty
for a Wu Tang disciple?

Isn't it agains propriety?
You admit everything then?
I admitted I killed a lackey, but...
With the proof here,
don't argue any more

I have nothing to say now
But that lousy mandarin's folks do!
Ladies and gentlemen,
don't misunderstand swordsman Cho

My son was to blame and he deserved it
Yes! Yes!
Luckily swordsman Cho helped me

that bastard would've raped me

He even tried to kill my daughter!
Thank you swordsman Cho for your help

Get up...
Silence in the palace
Thank you...
Pai Yun, what wrong did my pupil do
to have troubled the presence
of you 8 elders?

In the name of the Chief's adopted pupil
Cho ran rougshod and
bullied other clans' pupils

With proof and the witnesses here,
he can't deny it

Yi-hang, what have you to say?
Chief, they're the descendants
of the 6 big clans

If I alone could beat them all 6,
it means Wu Tang's more powerful
in martial arts

On this score I admit!
Shut up!
Brother has hit the nail on the head!
Ma Yu of Kung Tung,
did Cho injure you?
