Bai fa mo nu zhuan

Never be perverted by poverty
She's my sister Ho Lu-hua
Didn't you notice she often smiled at me
And she passed food for me
to eat to cheer me

It means however rich you're,
you must restrain yourself
Yield not to prowess
It means no submission
to powerful influence

Cho Yi-hang, don't abandon yourself
only because the Chief spoils you
Look at them, writing without eating
You eating buns here?
Follow your sister: still as a virgin,
crafty as a rabbit

You're carefree and an idle eater
I know sister is clever
The brothers are all at puberty
You, an elder brother,
are naughty yourself

You frolicked while learning
Do you admit guilty?
And in Feb you came personally down...
to kill Kaifeng constable
Fang Tien-cheng

Do you plead guilty or not?
Uncle Pai Yun, I stabbed him once only
Why call it "Kill"?
What manner is that?
What's the penalty
for a Wu Tang disciple?

Isn't it agains propriety?
You admit everything then?
I admitted I killed a lackey, but...
With the proof here,
don't argue any more

I have nothing to say now
But that lousy mandarin's folks do!
Ladies and gentlemen,
don't misunderstand swordsman Cho

My son was to blame and he deserved it
