
If you want to ask me something,
you ask me in English.

I will not speak Afrikaans any longer.
I will not.
Piss off!
That was foolish, Solomon.
You want to get yourself expelled?
What good will that do?
That teacher is a bloody Judas.
Some day they're going to find him
with a blade in his neck.

That is stupid talk, Solomon.
No. Talk is all we ever do around here.
Piss on this, piss on that.
It's all a bunch of bloody bullshit.

- And nothing ever comes of it.
- Look, lay a hand on that teacher

and the police will
snap you like a twig.

Well, I guess you'd know all about
what the police would do, Zweli?

- Yeah, I do. And you wouldn't like it.
- Well, I'd rather go to jail

than have that fucking teacher
shove Afrikaans down my throat.

Anyway, enough goddamn talk.
I say we cut the bastard's
tongue out right now.

We knife that teacher,
everybody pays. We all get hurt.

Look, before anybody does anything,
we meet with Pule Rampa.

Shit, man, you're dreaming.
You can't get Pule
to meet with us.

I'll get him there.
You just make sure everyone
else is at the depot.

Nikeala. Samuel.
- Yes, sir.
- Nonsizi.

