Bound by Honor

'Cause I ain't going back.
I don't need Onda for this.
Money buys my back-up.
I'll get the polar bears
to back my play.

- Oye, ¿:adónde vas, José?
- I split, eh.

- Hey, carnal.
- No, ese.

Carlos, come back!
Jefe, we can't let him go.

We can't let him split up Onda.

Can't you see Montana's stupid
for letting Charlie walk?
Onda 's committing suicide.

- Fuckyou,Jerry!
- Fine. I thought you
wanted to learn something.

Listen, Charlie's a businessman.
He broke some serious business rules.

Not only did he get
strung out on his own shit...

but he moved on BGA clients
when he didn't have to.

- Is that right?
- Yeah, that's right.

You know, I see thejackets
of most ofthe cons that come in here.

Eighty percent ofthem--
Eighty percent ofthem are drug cases.

You know why?
Because everybody out there's doin' it.

Doctors, lawyers, housewives.
Cocaine is America's cup ofcoffee.
You were Carlos' connection.
He said the same "cup ofcoffee" Iine
exactly. You were supplying him.

You're pissed 'cause he's doing
business with the AV-ers now.

Last year, California passed
a flat-time law for drug offenders.

You know what that means? That means
they have it worse than anybody--

murderers, rapists, anybody.
There's no parole, no good time.
That's a lot of guys
that are gonna be here for
a real long time, all drug users.

- Can you see the potential? Can you?
- Yeah.

Anyone who can accommodate
that appetite...

can control thisjoint
and every otherjoint.

Dwell on it.
