Bound by Honor

I thinkyou're the best.
Now, come on. Let's go.

Hey, just 'cause you wear sunglasses
don't mean you're blind, ese.

Oh, shit. You want to know
what I see up there?

A fantasy, man. A dream.
Three vatos looking for something
that wasn't there.

Loco, we stood by each other.
We trusted each other.

Orale, that's worth believing in.
Shit, we were familia, homes.

And never again, Cruzito.
Miklo and I are finished, man.

He ain't my family.
I hate that fuckin' puto.

You ought to scrape his ass
offthe wall like dirt.

Chale, vato, no matter how much hate
there is between you and him...

you're still connected.
You got the same blood pumping
through both your hearts, ese.

That's a bond you can never break.
Neither can Miklo.

- He's still just trying to be like you.
- That's bullshit!

Simón, ese, come on! EIGallo Negro,
the baddest Chicano in the barrio.

Yeah, well, that ain't me.
Not any more.

You ain't changed a bit, ese.
Oh, so, what-- what are you saying?
It's all my fault,
the way everything turned out?

Oh, I see.
What, you thinkyou got
so much fucking power, huh?

Control everybody's destiny?
- No, you're right, man.
- No, I'm not.
- I set Miklo up.

I made him go after Spider. I mean,
I started the whole fucking thing.

Relax, ese.
Your back wouldn't be all fucked up.
Miklo wouldn't be in prison.
He'd still have his leg.

- Hey, I forgive you, ese.
- I don't want your forgiveness, man!

You know, that's your fuckin' problem,
ese. You can't forgive yourself.
