Demolition Man

I got older.
My God, I remember when you were...
...a rookie pilot.
They finally grounded me.
Shit, you were a damn good flyer.
You´re fined two credits for violation
of the verbal morality statute.

I´ll be right back.
They seem to be friends, yet...
...he speaks to him
in the most profane manner.

If you´d read my study, you´d know
this is how heterosexual men bonded.

I knew that.
Thanks a lot you shit-brained,
fuck-faced, duck-fucking...

-...pain in the ass.
-You´re fined five credits...

...for repeated violations
of the verbal morality statute.

So much for the sea shells.
See you in a few minutes.
Unfortunately Simon Phoenix
was not coded.

While you´re sleeping
on everyone was installed code.

It was a brilliant idea by Dr. Cocteau.
An organic microchip...

:40:03 sewn into the skin.
Sensors all over the city
can zero in on anyone at any time.

I can´t even conceive what you police
officers did before it was developed.

We worked. This fascist crap
makes me want to puke.

What do you think you´re scratching?
You really think we´d let you go
without control?

Your code was implanted
when you thawed.

Why not just shove a leash up my ass?
You dirty meat-eater!
No matter how Viking your era was...
...l cannot digest how
you ever wore a badge!

You´re going back, John Spartan,
you´re going back!

Could you two please
dump some hormones?!

We need every cortex we can get here.
We don´t need the Neanderthal.
Our computer has already
examined every scenario...

...resulting from the appearance
of Simon Phoenix.

It´s determined he´ll try to set up
a drug lab and form a crime syndicate.

That is correct.
I hate to interrupt you two...
...but that´s fucking stupid.
