Hard Target

You're gonna pay me 100 bucks
to fill out a form ?

l'll pay you a lot more than that
if you got the experience.

What kind of experience ?
Well, maybe you ain't interested.
Uh, no.
l'll fill out
the application.

You got any family ?
Anybody to worry about you ?

Friends ?
Anything like that ?

l got nobody.
You'll deposit
$500,000 in our account...

in a bank
in the Cayman lslands.

Do not refer to
our agreement by telex...

or in conversations
on the phone.

You'll be provided
with a guide, trackers...

and the weapon
of your choice.

Naturally, we will
dispose of the body...

and provide you with
an out-of-town, airtight alibi.

Don't worry, Mr. Zenan, all you
have to do is point and shoot.

Mr. Zenan has made his selection.
A black man named Roper.
Used to be in Special Forces.

l don't see any problem
with your choice.

lt has always been
the privilege of the few...

to hunt the many.
Soldiers, policemen,
fighter pilots.

Men who kill for the government
do so with impunity.

All we do is offer
the same opportunity...

for private citizens
such as yourself.

- These opponents, they're volunteers ?
- More or less.

The same government that has
made murder their sole preserve,

they train our targets.
