Heaven & Earth

Don't bother me.
I'm too old for hookers.
I just wanted to meet you.

I don't care about the money.
Your friend introduced us.
That's all I wanted.
Since I've gone to all this trouble...
...you think it'd be all right
if I just came in...

...talked to you for a few moments?
Just talk.

Please? Just a moment.
Okay. One minute.
I leave door open.
You bad guy, one funny move...
...I call MP.
They right there.
I good girl.
Okay. I go to work.
Thank you for coming.
I hope you happy staying in Danang.
-I'll wait for you.

I go long time. I work in Korean casino.
Serve booze.

That's okay. I have no place to go.
I gave most of my money to your friend
and I can't afford a taxi out of here.

I'm tired from our little race.
Okay. You can stay.
But not too long.
When you go...
...Iock door, please.
-Maybe we can have dinner later.

I have dinner. Not possible.
No problem.
Nice meeting you.
Lock door when you go.
