Heaven & Earth

What's this?
Just few things for you and your family.
We're going to have
Christmas all over again.

No. Steve, please.
You do not this.
-You cannot!
-Sure, I can.

I'm not very good with words.
Even if I could speak your language,
I don't think I could tell you how I feel.

I want peace and happiness.
I just want to be with you,
and help you and your little boy.

And your mom.
Anything wrong with that?
I no want be your girlfriend, Steve.
I no want boyfriend.
Me and men...
...we have bad karma.
You understand?
Bad karma.
How much bad could have happened
to a little girl like you?

You no ask. Goodbye.
You nice man. You find better girl.
Now wait a minute. Hold on.
I know all about karma.
My karma has taken me
all over this world all my life...
