Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

You know, I was actually starting to
like doing things with the whole family.

They weren't so bad,
for people.

They were all so happy together.
Shadow, and even Sassy, seemed happy.

I was beginning to think
that maybe this time...

with this family, things were
gonna be different, better.

Ta-da! Bat dog!
Well, if it isn't
the newlyweds!

Hi, kids.!
- Hi! Oh!
- Hi!

-[ Kate ] How was the wedding?
- [ Chance ] Excuse me.
Comin' through. Look out.

[ Sniffing ] Whoa, this place
is a smellorama. Hallelujah!

- I've died and gone to
Kentucky! [ Barking ]
- [ Cackling ]

- Wish I could've made it.
- We wish you could've been there.

- Hey, you! Congratulations!
- Thanks.

- [ Chance Barking ]
- I don't know how to thank you
enough for what you're doin'.

The more the merrier.
I just have to take that one
short trip I told you about.

- You're going away?
- I help drive the horses to
winter grazing every year.

- Just for a couple of days.
- Who's gonna take care of Shadow and--

My neighbor, Frank. He always
watches the animals while I'm gone.

Don't worry. He's very trustworthy.
Do you have a minute to come in?

Wish we could, but we
got a long way to go.

[Jamie ]
Chance! Come here, boy! Chance!

[ Barking ]
