Lost in Yonkers

Don't help me with the chairs, anybody.
I know exactly how I want this to be.

Momma, I'm gonna run along now.
I'll call you next week.

Jay, don't worry about it.
Arty, keep your dukes up.

- Gert, great seeing you, sweetheart.
- You can't go yet! You promised!

I said I'd stay for dinner.
How many dinners are there?

But the family hasn't had a talk yet.
We talked all through dinner.
I didn't get a chance to swallow nothing.

There's still something
that hasn't been talked about.

It wasn't something
that we could talk about at dinner.

You sit here. This is your place.
I told you I had to go right after the coffee.
I had my coffee, I had my strudel,
I had my dinner. I gotta go!

You can't go! You have to be here!
The whole family has to be here!

- Momma, tell him!
- You're getting excited.

All right, okay.
I won't get excited. See? I'm fine.

Could you just ask him to stay, please?
He'll stay.
Jay, Arty, sit on the sofa.
Momma, you sit there.

I will sit here,
and, Louie, just sit on the chair.

I've been sitting all night. I think I'll stand.
It would be better if you were sitting.
I pictured everybody sitting.

I don't wanna sit! Change the picture.
Picture everybody else sitting
and me standing.

Can't you sit for a few minutes...
...till Bella tells us
what it is she wants to talk to us about?

Okay! Here. All right?
Is this how you pictured it?

I pictured you sitting
on the chair I picked out.

It's very important that I leave here
very soon. Very important!

I don't wanna upset you, sweetheart.
But I don't wanna spend my time
getting the seating arrangements right.

I'm gonna stand up,
I'm gonna listen, and then I'm gonna go!

- I pictured everybody sitting.
- Jesus!

Stop arguing with her and sit down...
...before she gets into
one of her moods again.

Louie, quiet! Gertrude, stop it.
"Louie, quiet. Louie, stay. Louie, eat."
You don't scare me anymore, Ma.
