Lost in Yonkers

Jay, Arty, sit on the sofa.
Momma, you sit there.

I will sit here,
and, Louie, just sit on the chair.

I've been sitting all night. I think I'll stand.
It would be better if you were sitting.
I pictured everybody sitting.

I don't wanna sit! Change the picture.
Picture everybody else sitting
and me standing.

Can't you sit for a few minutes...
...till Bella tells us
what it is she wants to talk to us about?

Okay! Here. All right?
Is this how you pictured it?

I pictured you sitting
on the chair I picked out.

It's very important that I leave here
very soon. Very important!

I don't wanna upset you, sweetheart.
But I don't wanna spend my time
getting the seating arrangements right.

I'm gonna stand up,
I'm gonna listen, and then I'm gonna go!

- I pictured everybody sitting.
- Jesus!

Stop arguing with her and sit down...
...before she gets into
one of her moods again.

Louie, quiet! Gertrude, stop it.
"Louie, quiet. Louie, stay. Louie, eat."
You don't scare me anymore, Ma.

Maybe everybody else here, but not me.
You understand?

Louie, sit.
Who wants to start?
"Who wants to start?" Start what?
Momma, I don't got time for this.
Maybe when I was 12 years old,
but not tonight.

This is one of her crazy games.
It's one of her crazy...

Is this just a game?
Are you playing a game with us, darling?

No, this is not a game! It's very important.
I just don't know how to start to say it.
Somebody has to help me out
and start it first, that's all.

You got something important to tell us
and you want us to start?

Gert. No!
You understand her better than me.

When you figure out what it is,
let me know.

Aunt Bella,
have you been going to the movies lately?

Yes! Thank you, Jay. I have been going
to the movies a lot lately.

- Three times last week.
- Really?

Did you see anything good?
I saw a picture with William Holden
and Jean Arthur. I liked it.

That's why I saw it three times.
This is what I stayed to dinner for?
