Mrs. Doubtfire

Are we close?
Any closer and you'd be Mom.
That's disgusting!
The most revolting thing I've ever seen.
What is this? Turn it off, will you?
Come on. I wantyou
to meet this lady with me.

I wantyou to be polite to her, then...
tell me whatyou think.

Everybody stand over here
and help me decide what to do.

Hello. Mrs Hillard, I presume.
Yes. I'm Miranda Hillard.
Euphegenia Doubtfire.
Yes. Won'tyou please come in?
Thank you, dear.
- And these must be the cherubs.
- Yes.

- This is Natalie.
- Oh, hello, Natalie.

- Are you wearing bug spray?
- Nattie!

It's quite all right, dear. No offence taken.
I was a little liberal with the atomiser.

And at my age, it's like a good Stilton.
Everything has its own aroma.

I admire that honesty, Nattie.
That's a noble quality. Never lose that.
