Much Ado About Nothing

"Sing no more ditties
"Of dumps so dull and heavy
"The fraud of men
"was ever so
"Since summer
"first was leafy
"Then sigh not so
"but let them go
"And be you blithe and bonny
"Converting all
"your sounds of woe
"Into Hey nonny, nonny"
-By my troth, a good song.
-And an ill singer, my lord.

No, no, faith, thou singest well enough.
An' he had been a dog that should have
howled thus, they'd have hanged him.

Come hither, Leonato.
What was it you told me of today?
That your niece Beatrice was
in love with Signior Benedick?

I did never think that lady
would have loved any man.

No, nor I neither.
But most wonderful that
she should so dote on Signior Benedick...

...whom she hath in all outward behaviors
seemed ever to abhor.

Is it possible?
Maybe she doth but counterfeit?
Faith, like enough.
O, God!
There was never counterfeit of passion
came so near the life of passion...

:41:52 she discovers it.
What effects of passion shows she?
