Much Ado About Nothing

No, no, faith, thou singest well enough.
An' he had been a dog that should have
howled thus, they'd have hanged him.

Come hither, Leonato.
What was it you told me of today?
That your niece Beatrice was
in love with Signior Benedick?

I did never think that lady
would have loved any man.

No, nor I neither.
But most wonderful that
she should so dote on Signior Benedick...

...whom she hath in all outward behaviors
seemed ever to abhor.

Is it possible?
Maybe she doth but counterfeit?
Faith, like enough.
O, God!
There was never counterfeit of passion
came so near the life of passion...

:41:52 she discovers it.
What effects of passion shows she?
Bait the hook well. This fish will bite.
What effects, my lord?
-You heard my daughter tell you how.
-She did, indeed.

How, I pray you?
You amaze me!
I should think this a trick,
but that the gray-bearded fellow speaks it.

Hath she made her affection
known to Benedick?

No, and swears she never will.
That's her torment.

She'll be up 20 times a night...
...and there she'll sit in her smock
till she have writ a sheet of paper.

Then down upon her knees she falls, weeps...
...sobs, beats her heart, tears her hair, curses:
"O sweet Benedick!
"God give me patience!"
