
So you're like on the run, yeah?
- Aye.
- Yeah, me too.

Yeah? The cops after you? Yeah?
- Can you tell me something', Jock.
- Uh?

What's all that about?
That. The old Highland fling, there. D'you know you're doing that?
- What?
- That, you know - 'And now for my next tic...'. That.

Look, it, it just happened again - I'm not imaginin' it.
Fuck off, eh?
D'you do that in a sack with the old tic, spit, 'Eh, Maggie!'?
You must be a great fuckin' shag.
You takin' the piss?!
You're fuckin' givin' it away, aren't yer?
Fuckin' come on, cunt! Kick your fucking' head open!!
What's it like being you?
Bit hectic?
Fuck off, poof!
Do you believe in self-fulfillin' prophecies?
You know, like, Nostradamus?
'E was like this sixteenth-century astrologer.
An''e wrote in one of 'is quatrains that this goon called Hister would invade Poland.
So Hitler reads it, and thinks 'Hister: Hitler. Must mean me',
and invades Poland.
So when the guy prophesied that the world would end in 1999, which 'e did,
does that therefore mean that we're fulfilling the prophecy
by precipitatin' the Apocalypse?
Are you with me?
Do you think the world will end in 1999?
Listen, mate, what d'you think to this?
Why don't you 'ave a little wander round and go look for the wee lassie, an' I'll wait 'ere?
And if she turns up, I'll keep 'er 'ere till you get back?
'Ow does that grab you?

Are you're gonna be here, aye?
Right. If she gets back, right, tell her to fuckin' wait here till I get back.
If she wanders off, knock her oot. And slap her gob for me, right?
- Yeah, I'll tie her up.
- Aye.

- You're gonna be here, aye?
- Yeah.

Oh, listen, what's her name again?
- Oh, yeah.
- Will back in a minute, right?

Excuse me, love.
Are you Maggie ?
