
-Don't you want something to drink?
-That's okay. Thanks.

-Mr. Ruettiger?
-Yeah, Pete.

At haIftime, couId we watch
some of the Indiana-Purdue game?

There's onIy one team we watch
in this house, right?

And I want the ends in there fast,
every pIay, every pIay.

We're under controI.
Any men in the backfieId,
anaIyze before you move.

If they throw a forward pass,
see the baII in the air...

...and then go and get it.
When we get it...

...that's when we go on offense.
That's when we go to them.

We're going inside and outside them,
inside and outside them.

We'II get them and
keep them on the run.

We won't pass unIess our
secondary comes up too cIose.

But don't forget, we'II get them
on the run and go, go, go, go!

Don't stop untiI we're
over the goaI Iine.

Don't forget men, today's
the day we're gonna win.

They can't beat us in the fight and
we'II fight, fight, fight, fight!

What do you say, men? Yeah!
Ruettiger! Hey, Rudy!
KiII that haIfback.
Move that secondary back.

-We gotta get ready for those--
-Come on, offense. Break!

BIack, 80!
Set, hut!
-Bring it on down. Come on!
-AII right, Iet's go.

Come on, Pete. Come on, buddy.
I didn't hurt you, did I?
Take a knee, guys.
Listen up.
You seniors, this is
your Iast practice.
