
Do you know Ara...
:14:04 the onIy coach in Notre Dame
history who encourages waIk-on pIayers?

You probabIy know more about
the team than haIf the pIayers.

I can't wait to get there.
Guess how much money I have saved up?
Eighty? Fifty?
1 000 doIIars.
That's a good start!
You're the onIy one who ever
took me serious, Pete.

WeII, you know what
my dad aIways said.

''Having dreams is what
makes Iife toIerabIe.''


That's 2-2-0-9.
That's the house, Rudy!

Isn't it cute?
We can afford this.
And know what eIse it has?
WaII-to-waII carpeting.

It has a firepIace.
And a big kitchen.
It's cIose to the schooIs.
What's wrong?
It's great, Sherry. It's great.
You did a great job.

Look, buddy...
...I've put in my time.
I've been very patient
waiting for us to save up...

:15:39 we couId get married
and do this right.

You owe me.
Come on.
I think you're gonna Iike it.
Hey, Joe, what do you know?
-Can I get another beer down here?
-Sure. Coming right up.

What are you doing tomorrow night?
