Tao xue wei long zhi long guo ji nian

Forget the money,
I want you to answer me a question.

Then I will forget the money.
What question?
Have you ever thought of killing me?
Answer me.
- I...
- Answer me.

I want to quit!
Your question is nonsense.
- Let's go.
- Yes.

Just take the money.
Have you found the truth of the case?
The truth is...
I had a four only, but the idiot quitted.
Boss, are you alright?
Are you hurt?
Give me back the money.
Just return the loan.
We needn't give you a share
of the money we won!

But you should give interest.
OK, just follow the bank's rule.
Cheap interest rate, 2.75%.
$2 million is divided by 365.
Just $25 is charged, keep the change.
Take one more.
You'd have done that earlier.
Any progress?
I have found that Judy Tong
was suspicious.

I think she is having a secret.
And that Taior Lam...
Don't look only at the surface.
When I was trained in Scotland,
I have studied all
the extraordinary precedents.

Including the murdering case
of the Eastern Express.

The murdering case of River Nile.
The murdering case from Fatal Attraction.
And the hidden corpse under the stove.
I have found out a principle.
What is it?
The most suspicious criminal
is not the real murderer.

I agree! It always
happens in movies.
You can put it
in that way,
the murderer may or may
not know the victim.
