The Beverly Hillbillies

I wish to report
the unlawful entry...

of a gang of armed and dangerous
hooligans at the Clampett estate.

518 Crestview Drive.
- I need you here code three,
and I will be timing you.

I think you got you
a new friend, Duke.

Cease and desist.!

If I were you, sir,
I would yield, submit and capitulate.

What are you desperadoes
doing here?

- Well, it's a mighty long story.
- But he don't mind tellin' it.

- Pa was a-huntin' one day with old Duke.
- Duke spotted this jackrabbit.

- So I throws up my gun, and I takes my aim...
- Don't shoot!

Pardon, ma'am?
Two minutes and 46 seconds.
Go.! Go.! Go.!
I need three men
over there on the south side.!

Attention, inside.!
You're surrounded.!

Drop your weapons
and file out one at a time.!

- Don't shoot! Oh! They've taken me hostage!
- Attention, inside.!

Drop your weapons
and file out one at a time!

This is the Beverly Hills
Police Department.

Told you this warn't no house.
- You heard him. It's the police department.
- This is your last warning.!

All right!
Fire one in!

They's a-playin' kick the can.
Move in!
I knew we shouldn't have never left home.
I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

Right this way.
We've I.D. 'd them all.

- Excellent.
- We want the wheels of justice to spin quickly.
