The Firm

- What did I say?
- It`s what you didn`t say.

What I didn`t say?
What didn`t I say?

``Thank you.``
Mr ToIar`s scheduIe
virtuaIIy guarantees you

zero tax with zero risk.
Your stock wouId be the face
amount of the instaIment.

The stock has no vaIue but
it`s offset against income.

You defer your tax in fuII,
even with a bankabIe LC.

- Deferred tiII when?
- What do you care?

It`s the best interest-free Ioan
you`II ever get.

So the worst is I pay my taxes
much, much Iater?

No. Next year they`re cIosing
this IoophoIe.

If you haven`t grabbed
this proposaI,

you`II feeI you`ve been fucked
with a dick big enough
for an eIephant to feeI it.

Do you know that for a fact?
Hey, you Iike
the word ``protege``?

I never had one.
You ever been one?

I`m ``A``, you`re ``B``.
Right next door.

- Avery, who`s in Chicago?
- We`II get to aII that.

To heII with it.
CIean up and come over.

You earned a good night out.
Mr Abanks, I don`t beIieve
it was an accident.

Just think about it.
I Iost my son.
I`d have screamed bIoody murder
if something was wrong.

- You`re right. I`m sorry.
- Nothing to bury, even.

Just a stone.
They never did find him
or the other two.
