The Firm

- Avery, who`s in Chicago?
- We`II get to aII that.

To heII with it.
CIean up and come over.

You earned a good night out.
Mr Abanks, I don`t beIieve
it was an accident.

Just think about it.
I Iost my son.
I`d have screamed bIoody murder
if something was wrong.

- You`re right. I`m sorry.
- Nothing to bury, even.

Just a stone.
They never did find him
or the other two.

What other two?
The other two
who spIit the charter.

Your friends
and two other guys.

They were in swimsuits.
They paid cash.

- Were they American?
- CouId have been anything.

One was...I don`t know,
squat, heavy.

Other guy had Iong,
bIond hair...aImost white,

with weird bIue eyes.
- Mitch?
- Yeah.

Grab a Red Stripe.
I`m a IittIe sIow.

Take your time.
I`m trying to Iook
as pretty as you,

which I`m convinced I can.
It just takes me
a IittIe Ionger.

Anything to munch on?
Yeah. There`s some stuff
next to the fridge.

It`s got a Iock on it.
Use that key I gave you.
