The Fugitive

I lived under an EL for 20 years.
Explain the difference between the sound
of an elevated train and a train on the ground.

You must have ears like an eagle.
Play that back.
I want to hear the sound of an elevated train.

What cities have ELs?
New York has got an EL.

-We do.

Milwaukee has got an EL.
Hold it! Where the lawyer says he's guilty.
There's a bell in the background.

There's a guy on a P.A.
Can you drop everything but him?

I'll try. Hold on.
Right there.
What's he saying?
Sounds like, "Next stop." Do that again!
"Next stop...."
"Merchandise Mart."
Son of a bitch! Our boy came home.
That bell is on the Wells Street bridge,
six blocks away.

I knew it was an elevated train.
Yeah, Big Dog. You're never wrong.
-I'll call the C.P.D.
-This is his Chicago file.

Andiamo, bambini.
Sammy, when I die,
I want to come back just like you.

Happy and handsome?
-I'll notify the press.
-No press.

Right, no press.
-Hi, Billy.
-How's it going, sir?

-Good, and you?
-All right.

-Here you go, Billy.
-Have a good one, sir.

Spare change? Dollar, Mister?
No, thank you very much. I don't want it.
Oh, my God. Richard!
How are you, Charlie?
