Bullets Over Broadway

- It required bandaging.
- Oh, my poor darling.

Oh, it's so good
to see you.

- We all know and admire Helen Sinclair.
- [ Warner ] We're old friends.

- Thank you so much.
- Miss Sinclair, this is Mitch.

Oh, yes, yes. Oh, my goodness' sake.
I can't believe I'm here.

Oh-ho, look at this.
Look at this. Would you look?

Oh, this old theater.
This church.
So replete
with memories.

So full of ghosts.
Mrs. Alving.
Uncle Vanya.
There's Cordelia.
Here's Ophelia.
Each performance
a birth.

Each curtain...
a death.
[ Mr. Woofles Barking ]
Was that a mutt?
[ Mitch ]
Yes, Miss Sinclair.

- I hate mutts!
- [ Barking Continues ]

[ David ] I didn't want to overwhelm
any of the actors on the first day...

so all we did
was read through the play.

I can't live
like this.

The same routine
over and over and over.

The days blend together
like melted celluloid.

Like a film whose images
become distorted and meaningless.

I want a divorce, Sylvia. I've said it
in a thousand subtle ways...

hoping you would realize,
but you refuse to see it.

As a little girl,
I swore one day...

I would have a necklace
made from the Milky Way.

Oh, Kristen, Kristen, if only humans
weren't cursed with the power of memory.

[ Olive Reading Flatly ]
Dreams are only disguised feelings.

The more we bring these
painful experiences to the fore...

the easier they become
to deal with.

- What's the "fore"?
- The fore. The foreground.
