
And I'm gonna play like shit because
I didn't have a good night's sleep.

- Why'd you agree to come in then ?
- Hey, I'm only here until 12:00.

After that, I'm gone.
The boss comes in.

- Why don't you open the shutters?
Get some sunlight in here.
- Someone jammed gum in the locks.

- You're kidding.
- Bunch of savages in this town.

- Thanks.
- How much money did you leave up there?

Like, three dollars in mixed change
and a couple of singles.

This time in the morning,
people just get a paper or coffee.

- You're trusting.
- Why do you say that ?

How do you know they're taking
the right amount of change
or even paying for what they take ?

Theoretically, people see money
on the counter, no one around,

they think they're being watched.
Honesty through paranoia.
Why do you smell like shoe polish ?
I needed shoe polish
to make that sign out there.

- Smell won't come off.
- [ Door Opens ]

You think anybody
can see us down here ?

Why, you wanna have sex or something ?
- Can we ?
- Really ?

- l was kidding.
- Like you can't get enough of me.

- Typically male point of view.
- How do you figure ?

Show some bedroom proficiency,
you think you're gods.

What about what we do for you ?
Women as lovers are basically the same;
they just have to be there.

- Be there ?
- Making a male climax
isn't at all challenging.

Insert somewhere close,
preferably moist, thrust, repeat.

How flattering.
Now, making a woman come,
therein lies a challenge.

You think so ?
A woman makes a guy come,
it's standard.

A guy makes a woman come,
it's talent.

- And l actually date you ?
- Something wrong ?

I'm insulted. Believe me, Don Juan, it
takes more than that to get a guy off.

Just being there, as you put it,
is not enough.

Hmm, I've touched a nerve.
I'm astonished to hear you
you trivialize my role in our sex life.

It wasn't directed at you.
I was making a broad generalization.

You're making a generalization
about broads.

Those are my opinions
based on the few women...

who were goodly enough
to sleep with me.

- How many ?
- How many what ?

How many different girls
have you slept with ?

- Didn't we have
this discussion once before ?
- We might have.
