
- He really wants to play metal ?
- Yeah, he's got his own band in Moscow.

- it's called ""Fuck Your
Yankee Blue Jeans"" or something.
- That doesn't sound metal.

You gotta hear him sing.
Olaf, ""Berserker.""

- Come on, man, ""Berserker"" !
- Does he sing in English or Russian ?

In English. Come on, ""Berserker.""
Girls think sexy.

- Aah. Aah.
- Watch, he's gonna sing it.
It's too funny.

My love for you
is like a truck, berserker

Would you like
some making fuck, berserker

- That's fuckin' funny, man.
- Did he say, ""making fuck"" ?

[ Science Fiction Movie Sounds,
Man Screaming ]

[ Sounds Stop ]
My love for you
is ticking clock, berserker

Would you like
to suck my cock, berserker

That's beautiful, man.
Hold on to the counter
and I'll pull.

Usually l just turn the can upside down.
Maybe we oughta soap your hand up.
They oughta put a warning on these
things, like they do with cigarettes.

- l think it's coming !
- [ Falls On Floor ]

Thanks. l thought l was going
to have to go to the hospital.

I'll throw this out
as a precautionary measure.

[ Chuckling ]
Stings a little.

A little word of advice: Sometimes you
got to let those hard-to-reach chips go.

- [ Door Opens ]
- Thanks.

You know, that article's accurate.
Caitlin really is getting married.

-You know what l just watched ?
-Me pulling a can off some moron's fist?

- Return Of The Jedi.
- Didn't you hear me ?
Caitlin is really getting married.

What did you like better:
Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back ?
