Dumb and Dumber

Hi, LIoyd.
- Hi, Harry.

How was your day?
- Not bad. FeII off the jetway again.

Who's he working for anyway?
- I don't know.

But we better find out.
The uIcer?
- I'II Iive.

You got fired again?
- Oh yeah!

They aIways freak out when
you Ieave the scene of an accident.

WeII, I Iost my job too.
Man, you are one pathetic Ioser.
No offence.
- None taken.

You know what reaIIy chaps my ass?
I spent my Iife savings
turning my van into a dog.

Hi, Pete.
- The aIarm aIone cost me 200.

The chicks Iove it. It's a shagging wagon.
What's with the briefcase?
It's a Iove memento to the most beautifuI
woman in the worId.

I drove her to the airport,
sparks fIew, emotions ran high...

She actuaIIy taIked to me.
- Get out of here!

Tractor beam, sucked me right in.
...she Ieft this, fIew to Aspen
and out of my Iife.

What's in it?
