
[Horns Honking]
Buenos dias, Buenos dias.

You coming early today.
I'm almost not finished.

But don't worry,
I'm finished.

I gotta get to school.
Come in, come in.
Always with you young boys,
always in a rush, always in a rush.

-[Train Passing]
-[Woman Continues In Spanish ]

Marisol already
leave for school.

She has not missed one day
of school in three year.

Sit down, sit down.
You like some milk?
Some milk and cookie?

I have some nice
chocolate chip.

You like Marisol?
Marisol, she always
asking about you:

"Why Michael come here?
Why he don't talk to me
at the school? "

You have a girlfriend?
Ahhh, you already
liking somebody.

But I don't worry.
You are young.
Is plenty of time.

Soon you get tired of her,
and then you talk to my Marisol.

And I'm always telling her,
"You wait for that Michael.
