Hong Xiguan zhi Shaolin wu zu

They'll get the word,
and the rebels will be here.

-I'm sure ofit.
-Is he okay?

-Keep an eye out, guys.
-Yes, sir!

Maybe we should find a place to hide
in case the empire finds us first.

An army of swordsmen
heading this way.

-Take the boys and go.

-I won't leave you.
-Don't argue!

The rebels.
Master Kwun,
it's good to seeyou.

Master Chan, I--

-What happened?
-He fought with Ying Lee.

-I thought he was dead.
-I wish it were so.

But the Yihang witch
has cured him.

He is now invincible, unstoppable,
like a demon.

We must be careful.
He is after the boys.

He is a truly
horrible monster.

He ride same tal horse.
And he wants to kill us.

Do not fear.
My men and I can handle this.

My invincible sword here
can even cut through metal.

I'm so glad you're here. Let's let
Master Chan handle everything.

We know a place whereyou can
all rest and tend to your wounds.

-[Mom] Master Chan?
-Yes? What?

Now I know where
I recognize you from.

Twenty years ago I was the winner of
the women's kung fu championship...

and you were one of the judges.
You had an eye for me back then.
I don't know ifyou remember.

Do you?
Do you?

Yes. I think
I remember that contest.

Come see me later.
We can get reacquainted, okay?
