
Oh, James!
Or is there a fundamentaI order
underIying aII things?

Hey, Captain MarveI. Shazam!
Thanks. I was just reading
about Boyd's Comet.

- Boyd's what?
- Comet, Iike in the sky.

It's gonna be here soon.
We'II be abIe to see it.

Know why a comet's taiI
aIways points away from the sun?

- Wanna know?
- No.

It's not a taiI at aII.
It's bits of gas that the sun Iights up.

We earthIings
wiII keep that in mind.

Kinda Iike a 500-miIe-Iong Jersey torch.
It must be true!
The fact remains that certain events
are strictIy accidentaI.

What fact?
Oh, my! Look at the time.
No probIem.
It's because it's spring. Everything
goes through upheavaI in the spring.

Come on, you IittIe bitch!
- Sounds Iike business.
- MG TF Roadster.

- Austin HeaIey.
- CadiIIac Coupe.

- Buck.
- You're on.

- Intake vaIve.
- Distributor cap.

Busted muffIer.
Are we aII victims
of some comic cosmic accident,

or is there a grand design?
Oh, what Iuck!
- TC Roadster.
- That's a TF.

Looks Iike a coupIe of coIIege sweIIs.
You handIe them, Ed.

Hi. What seems to be the probIem?
Do you deaI with British automobiIes?
