
Oh, my! Look at the time.
No probIem.
It's because it's spring. Everything
goes through upheavaI in the spring.

Come on, you IittIe bitch!
- Sounds Iike business.
- MG TF Roadster.

- Austin HeaIey.
- CadiIIac Coupe.

- Buck.
- You're on.

- Intake vaIve.
- Distributor cap.

Busted muffIer.
Are we aII victims
of some comic cosmic accident,

or is there a grand design?
Oh, what Iuck!
- TC Roadster.
- That's a TF.

Looks Iike a coupIe of coIIege sweIIs.
You handIe them, Ed.

Hi. What seems to be the probIem?
Do you deaI with British automobiIes?
I don't want anyone just poking around
with a sharp stick.

AII right if I Iook under the bonnet?
WeII, at Ieast he caIIed it a bonnet.
So, that's the engine, huh?
I think we ought to go somewhere eIse.
- Intake vaIve, I'm teIIing you.
- Busted muffIer.

That's your probIem.
- You got no spark.
- What?

- You have no spark.
- Yes, I heard him.

But what does it mean?
Is it the generator, the coiI?

It's hard to say. You have a Lucas type
four generator on a 1 2-voIt system.

The British wouId rather
gIue wood onto a dashboard

than get the eIectricaI system right.
But what is wrong with the car?

My guess is that your stroke is too short
and you're getting premature ignition.

- Does it ever feeI that way?
- Like what?
