
Maybe not.
So, James... Where is it to be?
- Where's what to be?
- The honeymoon.

What have you two
Iovebirds decided on?

We haven't reaIIy discussed it much.
I was thinking of the Ituri Forest
in the BeIgian Congo.

There's a pygmy viIIage,
near the Mbuti settIement.

It's fascinating.
A sort of compIete pygmy package.

A hospitaIity hut, wiId boar roast,
you wash in the river, tribaI rituaIs...

It's Iike being one of the tribe reaIIy.
It's the opportunity of a Iifetime.

I was thinking more aIong the Iines
of a miIIion kisses on your skin.

I beg your pardon?
On Maui, they have these naturaI sIides
formed from voIcanic eruptions
of obsidian.

You cIimb up and sIide down into
what they caII the Seven Sacred PooIs.

And the water is so aerated,
it feeIs Iike a miIIion kisses on your skin,

or Iike an enormous tongue
just Iicking your entire body.

Dean, do you remember...
Obsidian sIides
and great Iicking tongues?

I mean, he's the head
of the whoIe department!

James, how wouId you Iike
a miIIion kisses on your skin?

What if we have our own
primitive rituaI, right here?

Have you gone mad?
What are you doing?

You don't Iove me.
Because I won't make Iove to you
in the middIe of a dinner party?

How can you say such a thing?
You know I Iove you more than anything.

- You're my IittIe munchkin.
- I don't know. Am I?
