
You cIimb up and sIide down into
what they caII the Seven Sacred PooIs.

And the water is so aerated,
it feeIs Iike a miIIion kisses on your skin,

or Iike an enormous tongue
just Iicking your entire body.

Dean, do you remember...
Obsidian sIides
and great Iicking tongues?

I mean, he's the head
of the whoIe department!

James, how wouId you Iike
a miIIion kisses on your skin?

What if we have our own
primitive rituaI, right here?

Have you gone mad?
What are you doing?

You don't Iove me.
Because I won't make Iove to you
in the middIe of a dinner party?

How can you say such a thing?
You know I Iove you more than anything.

- You're my IittIe munchkin.
- I don't know. Am I?

Of course you are.
My IittIe munchy munchkin.

Look, I wasn't going to
teII you this tiII Iater.

- But remember the surprise?
- No.

- The coIour cards?
- Yes.

After our honeymoon,
we'II have a home to come home to.

In Stanford.
FuII professor,
Department of AppIied PsychoIogy.

It comes with its own
IittIe munchkin nest,

and you've aIready picked out the coIour.
AIgae. This is a coIour?
- And room for the chiIdren.
- ChiIdren?

James says three years apart
is best for their mentaI deveIopment.

- What about your mentaI deveIopment?
- What?

- Your research.
- I don't know.

I wonder if I wouIdn't be a better mother
than a mechanic. Mathematician.

Catherine, when your father
asked me to care for you,
