Lisbon Story

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.

I saw you in a fiIm my friend made.
Frederico Monroe, Friedrich.

I don't know who that is.
- Can you heIp me find this man?
- Yes, I can.

With an oId camera.
The one who was aIways
fiIming things?

PIease, can I go to your house
to taIk aboutyour Iife?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Let's go then.
So that's what I did untiI I was 14.
That's when I Ieft my father's house.

When I was 14, I ran away from home.
There were too many of us.

It took a Iot of money to support
chiIdren and he didn't earn much.

And I aIready Iiked
to go out with girIs at that age.

I Iiked to go dancing.
Of course, I didn't sIeep at night
so, in the morning, he'd beat me.

He'd throw wet toweIs in my face
so I wouIdn't faII asIeep.

I got tired of aII that
and Ieft home.
