Milk Money

you know, since you... used it?
Oh... I use it a little bit
every day, you know--

the bank,
the grocery store--

but it, you know...
It's probably been
a good ten, 15 years

since I was any good at it,
you know.

It doesn't come up that often.
Maybe it's the neighborhood.
T om.

Well, it's not the battery.
In the morning, I'll check
the fuel line for you,

the alternator, the pump.
You know, it could be
your plugs are worn down.
I'll replace them for you
in the morning.

In the meantime, uh...
could I give you
a ride home?

Um, no, I can walk.
So, what do you think?
Can you help him?
I'd much rather
do something for you.

Well, what could you do for me?
Well, it seems
like you've forgotten

just about everything.
Well, I remember the basics...
but it's...

I'm not concerned about myself.
It's Frank I'm worried about.
You know, it's just not
that important to me anymore.

Poor man.
