Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult

Hey, that was close.
Hey, Rocco, who's the old hag?
She take one in the face?

She's my mother.
Mrs Dillon. Your son is a ruthless,
sadistic, cold-blooded animal.

- You must be proud of him.
- I am.

I want you to meet a real square egg,
Nick "The Slasher" McGirk.
There's fresh clothes in the back.
Rocco's mom was quiet. I felt
she didn't care for me coming along.

Like a midget at a urinal,
I was going to have
to stay on my toes.

Hey! Stop!
It wasn't my fault. That cow
shouldn't have been in the road.

Hurry up.
You're letting the flies in.

- What do you think?
- Great setup.

No phone, miles from the nearest
town, Playboy channel - perfect.

Nice digs.
But I'm here for the action.

What is it?
Bank, armoured car, payroll?

You're getting
a little bit too nosy, McGirk.

Relax, Ma.
- She's itching to use her new gun.
- I know the feeling.

It was Tanya.
That bathing suit was never happier.

I had only a second to admire
the view. I had to watch out.
