Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult

Cell inspection.
There's been a rumour
of a possible breakout.

If we suspect anyone
of attempting to escape,

they will be punished severely.
Once word of the escape was out,
we headed for the tunnel.

The last few feet
were dug on the run.

Another forty-seven yards would
take us beyond the prison walls.

May he rest in peace,
in the arms of our... Jesus Christ!

Rocco had arranged
for a car to meet us.

After making a slight adjustment
we arrived at the rendezvous point -
a Los Angeles city high school.

Hey, that was close.
Hey, Rocco, who's the old hag?
She take one in the face?

She's my mother.
Mrs Dillon. Your son is a ruthless,
sadistic, cold-blooded animal.

- You must be proud of him.
- I am.

I want you to meet a real square egg,
Nick "The Slasher" McGirk.
There's fresh clothes in the back.
Rocco's mom was quiet. I felt
she didn't care for me coming along.

Like a midget at a urinal,
I was going to have
to stay on my toes.

Hey! Stop!
