Pulp Fiction

for massaging my feet
seemed reasonable ?

No, it seemed excessive,
but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I understand that Marsellus
is very protective of you.

A husband being protective
of his wife is one thing.

A husband almost killing
another man for touching
his wife's feet is something else.

But did it happen ?
Only thing Antwan ever touched
of mine was my hand when he
shook it... at my wedding.

Really ?
Truth is, nobody knows why Marsellus
threw Tony out that window...

except Marsellus and Tony.
When you little scamps get together,
you're worse than a sewing circle.

Doamnelor si domnilor. Si acum momentul
pe care l-ati asteptat cu totii.

Faimosul concurs de twist de la
Jackrabbit Slim's .


Un cuplu norocos...
va castiga acest aratos trofeu,
pe care il tine Marilyn.

Cine vor fi primii concurenti ?
- Aici !
- Bine !

- Vreau sa dansez.
- Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu.

Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu. Cred ca Marsellus,
sotul meu, seful tau,

ti-a zis sa faci tot ce vreau eu.
Acum vreau sa dansez;
Vreau sa castig; Vreau trofeul ala.

- Asa ca sa dansezi bine.
- Bine. Tu ai vrut-o.


Sa-i auzim pe primii nostri concurenti.
Sa-i cunoastem pe primii nostri concurenti
din aceasta seara.
Tanara domnisoara, cum va numiti ?

D-na. Mia Wallace.
Si pe prietenul tau ?
Vincent Vega.
Bine, sa vedem de ce sunteti in stare.
Da-ti drumul !

- Go for it.
- Come on !
