Quiz Show

You feelin' all right ?
Very good. Perhaps we can get
an ice pack out here for the professor.

l suspect his gray matter
is red-hot.

l wonder if
he's married.

Our congratulations for a wonderful
victory. Professor Charles Van Doren.

l am constantly amazed at the facts
these guys have at their fingertips.

- Tough questions tonight.
- Uh, yeah. Oh, well, not really.

Wow, you were fantastic. Hey, you
better unlist your phone number.

Can you believe the pressure ?
Look at him; he's soakin' wet.

- ls this guy a natural or what ?
Jesus !
- He's a natural.

- Do you think he's
involved with anyone ?
- l don't know.

l'm gonna miss ya, Herb. You know, l'm
really gonna miss this guy.

- Hey, Dan, listen, that guy is
really terrific.
- Oh, hi.

- We could easily beat out
l Love Lucy with him.
- l know we can.

Let's get a photo here.
Oh, George. Here we go.

Charles Van Doren. Miles Bronfman,
an executive here at the network.

- Oh, there we go.
- So what do you think, Charlie ?
You excited ?

- Professor, can l interrupt you ?
- Charlie, l just wanted to--

- My son was in your father's class.
Says he's a saint.
- Oh, really ?

Charlie, l want you to meet
Bill Henderson. He promotes the show.

- Congratulations.
Sensational. Just sensational.
- Thank you.

Now we have a clean-cut intellectual
instead of a freak with a sponge memory.

- See you next week, Charlie.
- Oh, l don't even want to think
about that. l was so nervous.

Dan ! Dan !
So pure, it floats ?
Hmm ?

Are you kidding ?
lt was great.

Go home and have a martini.
We'll talk in the morning.

Uh, l-l'm gonna
take the stairs.

- How did you know he'd go for it ?
- What would you do ?

[ Muttering ]
Meanwhile, it's okay
if you know the answer.

Yeah, so it's-- My God, it's not like
l haven't worked hard.

l deserve $20,000
as much as anybody.

My God ! $20,000.
The highest navigable lake
in the world is:

- Lake Titicaca.
- Lake Titicaca.

- That'd have to be Lake Titicaca.
- Correct for ten points !

[ Applause ]
[ Charlie ] Michel Montaigne.
Around his neck,

Montaigne wore a medallion
which read: ''What do l know ?''
