The Lion King

Everything the light touches...What about that shadowy place?
"That's beyond our borders; you must never go there, Simba."
But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
Oh, there's more to being king than-- getting your way all the time.
There's more?
Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance.
As king, you need to understand that balance,
and respect all the creatures
from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

But, Dad, don't we eat the animal?
Yes, Simba, but let me explain.
When we die,our bodies become the grass.
And the antelope eat the grass.
And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.
Good morning, sire!
Good morning, Zazu.
Checking in... with the morning report.
Fire away.
Well! The buzz from the bees is that
the leopards are in a bit of a spot ...

Oh, really?
... And the baboons are going ape over this.
What are you doing, son?

Of course,
the giraffes are acting like they're above it all....

Let an old pro show you how it's done.

... The tick birds are pecking on the elephants.
I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't ...
Zazu, would you turn around?
Yes, sire.The Cheetahs are hard up, but as I always say ...
Stay low to the ground.
Cheetahs never prosper...
Okay, stay low to the ground, right yeah ...
What's going on?
A pouncing lesson.

Oh very good. Pouncing. Pouncing!?!
Oh no, sire, you can't be serious ...

Oh, ... this is so humiliating.
Try not to make a sound.
What are you telling him Mufasa? Mufasa? ...Simba?
Ha ha ha ha ha. That's very good. Ha ha ha...
