The Lion King

Oh I know how we can--
Oh, just look at you two.
Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah.

Your parents will be thrilled...
what with your being betrothed and all.

Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.
One day you two are going to be married!

I can't marry her. She's my friend.
Yeah. It'd be too weird.
Well, sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice. It's a tradition...
...going back generations.
Well when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.
Not so long as I'm around.
Well in that case, you're fired.
Hmmm.... Nice try, but only the king can do that.
Well, He's the future king.
Yeah.So you have to do what I tell you.
Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that,
I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed.
Hmph. Not the way I see it.
I'm gonna be a mighty king. So enemies beware!
Well, I've never seen a king of beasts... With quite so little hair
I'm gonna be the mane event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my ROAR!!
Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing
Oh, I just can't wait to be king!
You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think....
No one saying do this
No one saying be there
No one saying stop that
No one saying see here
Free to run around all day
