The Shawshank Redemption

I wish I could tell you that...
...but prison is no fairy-tale world.
He never said who did it.
But we all knew.
Things went on like that for a while.
Prison life consists of routine...
...and then more routine.
Every so often, Andy would show up
with fresh bruises.

The Sisters kept at him.
Sometimes he was able
to fight them off.

Sometimes not.
And that's how it went for Andy.
That was his routine.
I do believe those first two years
were the worst for him.

And I also believe that
if things had gone on that way...

...this place would have
got the best of him.

But then, in the spring of 1949...
...the powers that be decided:
The roof of the license-plate factory
needs resurfacing.

I need a dozen volunteers
for a week's work.

As you know...
...special detail carries with it
special privileges.

It was outdoor detail...
...and May is one damned fine month
to be working outdoors.

Stay in line there.
More than a hundred men
volunteered for the job.

Wallace E. Unger.
Ellis Redding.
Wouldn't you know it?
Me and some fellows I know
were among the names called.

Andrew Dufresne.
It only cost us
a pack of smokes per man.

I made my usual 20 percent, of course.
So this big-shot lawyer
calls me long-distance from Texas.

I say, "Yeah?"
He says, "Sorry to inform you,
but your brother just died."

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- I'm not. He was an asshole.
