The Shawshank Redemption

I need a dozen volunteers
for a week's work.

As you know...
...special detail carries with it
special privileges.

It was outdoor detail...
...and May is one damned fine month
to be working outdoors.

Stay in line there.
More than a hundred men
volunteered for the job.

Wallace E. Unger.
Ellis Redding.
Wouldn't you know it?
Me and some fellows I know
were among the names called.

Andrew Dufresne.
It only cost us
a pack of smokes per man.

I made my usual 20 percent, of course.
So this big-shot lawyer
calls me long-distance from Texas.

I say, "Yeah?"
He says, "Sorry to inform you,
but your brother just died."

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- I'm not. He was an asshole.

Ran off years ago.
Figured him for dead.

So this lawyer fellow says to me:
"He died a rich man." Oil wells
and shit. Close to a million bucks.

A million bucks?
- Incredible how lucky some assholes get.
- You going to see any of that?

Thirty-five thousand.
That's what he left me.

That's great! That's like
winning the sweepstakes.

Isn't it?
Dumb shit, what do you think
the government will do to me?

Take a big wet bite
out of my ass is what.

Poor Byron.
Terrible fucking luck, huh?
Crying shame.

Some people really got it awful.
Andy, are you nuts?
Keep your eyes on your mop, man!
You'll pay some tax,
but you'll still end up--

Yeah, maybe enough to buy
a new car, and then what?

I got to pay tax on the car. Repair...
...maintenance, kids pestering you
to take them for a ride all the time.

Then if you figure your tax wrong,
you pay out of your own pocket.
