
For some unknown reason,
Stuart was confident she'd come around.

I need to talk to you.
Yes, Alex?
If you don't stop
eating my yogurt...

I know it was you...
I'm gonna kill you.
I'm gonna fucking kill you.

You make murder sound
so sexual, Alex.

Get that crap to go.
I wanna work on her.

She doesn't like you, all right?
When's it gonna penetrate?

As soon as you go away, maybe.
Now wrap it up and get it
to go quickly. Go now.

Eat shit now.
- One, two, three.
- Don't do that.

- Go. Get out of here.
- You're a neanderthal. You know that?

- I know that.
- No, you're really growing.

You're growing as a person.
That's important.

- You should show Alex that.
- Will you get outta here?

No, I have to order
another slice of pizza.

I think there's a danger
in our being overfriendly.

How can we be overfriendly
if we aren't even friendly?

He's got a point.
That's a great book.
You're gonna love it.

I've read it four times.
You know, I've often felt like
the main character, Holden Caulfield.

No, you're not Holden Caulfield.
He's Stradlater,
the obnoxious roommate.

The one that thinks he's a stud and
borrows Holden's coat without asking...

and stretches it out
and doesn't apologize.
