
Now wrap it up and get it
to go quickly. Go now.

Eat shit now.
- One, two, three.
- Don't do that.

- Go. Get out of here.
- You're a neanderthal. You know that?

- I know that.
- No, you're really growing.

You're growing as a person.
That's important.

- You should show Alex that.
- Will you get outta here?

No, I have to order
another slice of pizza.

I think there's a danger
in our being overfriendly.

How can we be overfriendly
if we aren't even friendly?

He's got a point.
That's a great book.
You're gonna love it.

I've read it four times.
You know, I've often felt like
the main character, Holden Caulfield.

No, you're not Holden Caulfield.
He's Stradlater,
the obnoxious roommate.

The one that thinks he's a stud and
borrows Holden's coat without asking...

and stretches it out
and doesn't apologize.

It's a good book.
I always felt like
the little sister.

- Phoebe?
- Yeah.

Have you read Franny and Zooey
or Nine Stories?

Yeah. They're not as good, though.
You know, one time my mom...
She actually metJ D Salinger.

- Really?
- She threw up on his front lawn.

Yeah, she was on vacation
in Maine with her best friend...

and they met these two sailors
who were in port for the night.

They got really drunk
and these sailors took them out.

Before long, Alex and I were
wrapped in conversation...

and Stuart was not.
Look, I wasn't trying to horn in
on your situation, okay?

I'm not interested in her anyway.
I don't want to talk about it.

Gimme your toothbrush.
- Why?
- Give me your toothbrush.
