Apollo 13

"That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind."

Beyond the sea
Somewhere waitin' for me
'- You're drunk, Lovell.
'- Yeah.

I'm not used to the champagne.
Me neither.
I can't deal with cleaning up.
Let's sell the house.

All right, let's sell the house.
They're back inside now
lookin' up at us.

Isn't that somethin'?
I bet Jannie Armstrong doesn't
get a wink of sleep tonight.

When you were on the far side on 8,
I didn't sleep at all.

I just vacuumed
over and over again.

Christopher Columbus,
Charles Lindbergh and Neil Armstrong.

Neil Armstrong.
From now on, we live in a world
where man has walked on the moon.

It's not a miracle.
We just decided to go.
On Apollo 8, we were so close...
just 60 nautical miles down and'-'-
It was like I could just...
step out and walk
on the face of it.

I want to go back there.
Where's my mountain?
Well, it'-'- Up there.
It's, uh, right up by the'-'-
It's'-'- Okay, do you see
where the shadow crosses...
