Apollo 13

From now on, we live in a world
where man has walked on the moon.

It's not a miracle.
We just decided to go.
On Apollo 8, we were so close...
just 60 nautical miles down and'-'-
It was like I could just...
step out and walk
on the face of it.

I want to go back there.
Where's my mountain?
Well, it'-'- Up there.
It's, uh, right up by the'-'-
It's'-'- Okay, do you see
where the shadow crosses...

the white area there?
That's the Sea of Tranquility...
and your mountain's right there
on the edge of that.

It's your mountain.
Your mountain, Marilyn. Mount Marilyn.

I don't see it.
Well, you gotta look harder.
You'-'- You'-'- You look harder...
'- Jim.
'- while I'-'-

Down a crowded avenue
The astronaut is only
the most visible member...

of a very large team, and all of us
down to the guy sweeping the floor...

are honored to be a part of it.
What did the man say? "Give me a lever
long enough and I'll move the world"?

That's what we're doing here.
This is divine inspiration.

It's the best part of each one of us,
the belief that anything is possible.

Things like a computer
that can fit into a single room...

and hold millions of pieces
of information...
