Apollo 13

Seventy'-five feet.
We're comin' up on docking.

Let's shut down some thrusters on 'em.
We'll see what he does.

Whoa. Wait a minute.
I lost something here.
I can't translate up.

Houston, we are drifting
down and away.

'- Wanna back off and take another run?
'- No, I got it.

Let me just try
and get it stable here.

'- I'm gonna reset the high gain.
'- Got the target back in the reticle.

We're stable.
Go ahead and recycle the valves.

'- Forty feet.
'- They're all gray.

'- Easy.
'- Ten feet.

'- Capture.
'- That's it!

'- That's it.
'- Sweet move, Ken. Beautiful.

'- Gentlemen, that is the way we do that.
'- Man, that woke me up.

Apollo 13 backup crew,
you're up in the simulator.

'- Nice job, gentlemen.
'- That's three hours of boredom...

followed by seven seconds
of sheer terror.

Good job, guys.
You just won the Christmas turkey.

Nice try, Frank.
You really outfoxed 'em, brother.

Yeah, but it wasn't perfect.
Used up too much fuel.

You're above the curve.
Not by much. Listen, guys,
I wanna work it again.

Hey, we gotta be up with the dawn patrol
headed for Bethpage, what, 0700?

'- Wheels up at 0700.
'- Yeah, I know...

but my rate of turn
is still a little slow.

I really think
we should work it again.

'- Well, let's get it right.
'- Okay, set it up again, Frank.

Okay, 13 backup crew.
It'll have to wait.

'- Prime crew's up for another run.
'- Yeah, baby.

Apollo 13, we show S'-4B shutdown...
and all systems are nominal.
Fred, set the S'-band omni to B...
and when you get
in the LEM, two forward.

Good shape over here.
Hey, we got a problem.
